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set alarm造句

"set alarm"是什么意思  
  • Economic indicators in recent months have set alarm bells ringing
  • Variable setting alarm
  • Displays " time left until alarm " confirmation message when you set alarm
    当您设置闹钟的时候会显示“距离闹钟铃响还有多久” 。
  • Once the radiation level exceeds the pre - set alarm level , the agss will automatically trigger an alarm at the central station to alert officers at the hko which is manned round the clock
  • When the measured level at a certain monitoring station exceeds the pre - set alarm level , the station will enter into the emergency radiation monitoring mode and the radio - iodine sampler and high volume air sampler will automatically be switched on . the air particulates and radio - iodine samples , together with deposition samples , will be collected for analysis at the
  • It's difficult to see set alarm in a sentence. 用set alarm造句挺难的
如何用set alarm造句,用set alarm造句set alarm in a sentence, 用set alarm造句和set alarm的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。